JO&AL - Knowledge Experts is involved in various corporate social responsibility initiatives. The main focus is in education, environmental sustainability, and career development.



JO&AL-Knowledge Experts is committed to supporting education. The main focus is universal primary education, as stipulated in one of the eight Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), secondary education, and higher learning. The company has various bursary and internship plans to support this initiative. The bursary plan targets needy students who have the urge to learn but are limited by finances. The internship plan, on the other hand, targets graduates who want to grow their careers in consultancy. Therefore, the core business of the company supports education.


Environmental Sustainability

JO&AL-Knowledge Experts strives to conduct business in a way that does not compromise the needs of future generations.We work with eco-friendly companies in ensuring that our services do not deplete the environment. The main areas of focus include reducing carbon emissions, encouraging recycling, and fostering the use of renewable energy, among other environmental sustainability initiatives.The company holds periodic programs to support evironmental sustainability, such as tree planting, regular cleaning, and renewable energy and going green campaigns.


Career Development

The main focus of JO&AL-Knowledge Experts is wealth creation, which is best achieved through continuous career development. The company has various internship opportunities in research, ICT, building and construction, logistics and supply chain management, business, and management. In addition, JO&AL has a consulting outsourcing program that gives job opportunities to people and businesses in various fields. Interested parties can register as consultanst through the Consulting Shop tab in the company website or the JO&AL Consulting App available on Google Play and App Store.

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Harambee SACCO Plaza
Parliament Lane
P.O. Box 0711981597- 00200
Nairobi, Kenya